The Problem of Wastewater Cleaning with Regard to Pharmaceutical Substances


For sustainable water management always more and more attention is paid to the quality of living waters worldwide. The retention of the quality of water base, the appropriate protection thereof and the cleaning of contaminated waters are a great challenge. The traditional waste water cleaning procedures are not suitable for the removal of every contamination arriving at the purification plant. Medicine agents appear in waste water, in cleaned waste water in always bigger extent and so these return to surface waters as well. The medicine derivatives getting into living waters disadvantageously affect ecological balance in aquatic living organizations through food-chain. The waste water treatment technologies applied in our country do/can have negative effect onto the environment. The article aims to introduce the representation of EU and domestic interventions for the elimination of these effects.


Water pollution Wastewater treatment Drugs and Hormone residues in Wastewater

How to Cite

Csősz, L. (2018). The Problem of Wastewater Cleaning with Regard to Pharmaceutical Substances. Military Engineer, 13(4), 137–145. Retrieved from