Possibilities of Detecting Campylobacteriosis in Food and Water Safety System
The comprehensive knowledge of the food-borne diseases is indispensable to protect the nation’s security. For your safety, you must know the dangers of unforeseen or deliberate unlawful behaviour and provide for the prevention of potential and occurring events with an appropriate defense strategy. The food and water safety system are currently not suitable for early detection of food infections, including Campylobacter infection. Nowadays there are various methods to facilitate the identification of pathogens, however they are not modern, not part of food safety monitoring and protection systems. It is necessary to develop monitoring to manage the risk in an appropriate manner.
food safety
water safety
protection systems
How to Cite
Forgó, V. (2020). Possibilities of Detecting Campylobacteriosis in Food and Water Safety System. Military Engineer, 14(3), 147–158. https://doi.org/10.32567/hm.2019.3.12