Analysis of Ukrain's Crowdfunded, Military Purpose Octocopters

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.2.3


Due to the Eastern Ukrainian war several groups has been established in Ukraine. Their definitive goal to help the Ukrainian military. In this article the author analyzes in details and demonstrates the drones built and used by one of these irregular military groups, namely the Aerorozvidka. The analysis based on their appearances in the news, social media, and interviews with the members. The aim of this publication is to promptly specify those widespread off-the-shelf parts which are widely used in civilian and industrial UAV applications and this self-organized group is using also for air reconnaissance and information gathering on a regular basis in order to support the Ukrainian army, their artillery and the decision making processes.


UAV Aerorozvidka crowdfunded war war startup

How to Cite

Péter, P. (2019). Analysis of Ukrain’s Crowdfunded, Military Purpose Octocopters. Military Engineer, 14(2), 34–43.