Modern Challenges of Water Quality Safety

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.2.11


The efficiency of waste water cleaning reached its limit by today, considering the removal of every critical material to be found in waste waters. Always more complex procedures are required, which increase the costs, additionally certain chemicals shall be used for individual cleaning processes, which means an extra stress for our waters. Due to which one does not receive clean water as result, but at the end of the cleaning process – even otherwise – more contaminated. In addition, climate change and the extremities resulting therefrom mean a serious problem. The change of rainwater intensity, the leaching water quality changes resulting as consequence of outflow and run-off endanger our surface and subsurface waters. This article aims at demonstrating processes, which arise as new challenge for the assurance of water quality and points out some challenges respectively, which formerly meant an identified issue, however as consequence of the effects of climate change came to the front again and appear in a more weighted manner.


contamination of water bases climate change micro contaminants new challenges

How to Cite

Csősz, L. (2019). Modern Challenges of Water Quality Safety. Military Engineer, 14(2), 136–142.