The Line Sections that Provide Redundancy to the Railway Network of Hungary

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.2.6


The resilience of a network against disruptions can be described well with the presence of detours with sufficient capacity. To determine these detours, the railway network of Hungary was modelled by a weighted direced graph. The measure describing the rerouting alternatives was the so-called redundancy index.

The results show that there are possible routes which could provide sufficient capacity to handle the traffic in the case of disruptions. However, these line sections are mostly single-tracked, not electrified and their line speed is very low. Therefore, the network, in its present state could not handle the disruptions of main lines with high traffic. It is shown in the paper, which lines should be developed in order to increase the resilience of the network.


critical infrastructure railway network redundancy graph theory

How to Cite

Tóth, B. (2019). The Line Sections that Provide Redundancy to the Railway Network of Hungary. Military Engineer, 14(2), 74–86.