Quantitative Analysis of Disinfectants with Water Quality Calculations

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.1.15


The amount of chlorine applied in water treatment and later in the distribution network is a critical parameter regarding the water safety. Not only sufficient pathogen inactivation, but acceptable levels of by-products must be maintained.
In this study, the sensibility of the water quality model is assessed as a function of kinetic parameters describing chlorine decay rate. Chlorine levels can be easily calculated, even though the decay rates are subject to high variations from a high number of interfering factors. With the help of computerized calculations operating costs and risks can be minimized, even though validation of a water quality model is still difficult.


disinfectant kinetics micro pollutant modeling

How to Cite

Salamon, E. (2019). Quantitative Analysis of Disinfectants with Water Quality Calculations. Military Engineer, 14(1), 181–191. https://doi.org/10.32567/hm.2019.1.15