The Revision of Tank Explosions and Fires That Evolved During The Processing of Bitumen - Part II.

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.1.18


In the second part of this series of articles I am going to examine the further characteristics of harmful events and industrial accidents that happened during processing bitumen. I am going to begin with the demonstration of hydrocarbons and continue with the analysis of rigidwalled tanks containing finished bitumen and the simulation of their explosion. To understand the incidences better I am analysing the basic chemical reactions of tank explosions from different viewpoints.

Adumbrating the possibilities of prevention my main goal is the definition and designation of the direction of development; not only in respect of bitumen processing but on the whole spectrum of hydrocarbon processing. Following exploration of causes and solutions acquainting them, applying them in the daily operation and technological instructions greatly improves the safe operation and actuation of a plant.


industrial accident operation innovation disaster management

How to Cite

Tóth, A. (2019). The Revision of Tank Explosions and Fires That Evolved During The Processing of Bitumen - Part II . Military Engineer, 14(1), 220–230.