Japanese Disaster Management II.

Organization and Activity

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.1.14


The results of this paper can be useful in two different ways. Firstly, the acknowledged
negative points can be used for improving the Japanese disaster management system.
Secondly, the positive points may help in developing Hungarian emergency management as well.

Overall, the Japanese disaster relief is a precise, well-structured organization with a specified hierarchy of responsibilities where the positive points show examples for global disaster reduction. Nevertheless, the events at the Fukushima plant pointed to the problems of operation, which resulted in economic losses and human casualties. Hopefully, Japan utilizes the lessons learnt during the 2011 events, and this experience helps in correcting its future endeavors.

This paper is the part of a longer analysis, first part of which investigated Japan’s disaster vulnerability and the historical background of emergency management.


Japan disaster management Fukushima

How to Cite

Papp, B. (2019). Japanese Disaster Management II. : Organization and Activity. Military Engineer, 14(1), 166–180. https://doi.org/10.32567/hm.2019.1.14