The Effects of Storing Electric Scooters and Bicycles in Office Buildings on Fire Safety
Copyright (c) 2025 Varró Tekla

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In recent years, we have seen more and more electric vehicles on the streets, and the author looks at electric bicycles and electric scooters, which are considered as “personal transport”. With the increase in the number of office buildings, it has become topical to study the storage of these vehicles in office environments. The study covers the fire safety hazards of electric scooters and electric bicycles, the lithium-ion batteries that pose a risk and their safe storage for fire safety. This will be followed by a summary of the hazards and rules of storage in office buildings, with the aim of informing and alerting the general public to the storage rules to be observed and the rules of conduct to follow in the event of a fire. The author suggests extending the rules on storage and informing the owners of electric scooters and electric bicycles about the dangers of their vehicles.
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Legal sources
/2016 (VI. 24.) BM OKF Instruction on the issuance of the Firefighting Tactical Code and the Technical Rescue Code [6/2016 (VI. 24.) BM OKF utasítás, a Tűzoltás-taktikai Szabályzat és a Műszaki Mentési Szabályzat kiadásáról]
Act XXXI of 1996 on Fire Prevention, Technical Rescue and Fire Brigades [1996. évi XXXI. törvény a tűz elleni védekezésről, a műszaki mentésről és a tűzoltóságról]
Decree 54/2014 (XII. 5.) of the Ministry of the Interior [54/2014. (XII. 5.) BM rendelet az Országos Tűzvédelmi Szabályzatról]
Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2013 on the approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles. Online: