Examining the Application of Drone Forensics Methodology on Highly Automated Civil and Military Vehicles
Copyright (c) 2024 Répás József

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One of the aims of digital forensics investigations of modern civil and military vehicles traffic accidents or other crimes is to establish what kind of incident occurred, when, where, and under what circumstances. As the automation level of vehicles increases, connected solutions become more widespread (e.g. drone–vehicle cooperation), and an accurate timeline of events and credible evidence can be provided in vehicles and connected drones. The forensic examination of drones deals with the exploration, processing, interpretation, and analysis of data stored in drones and sent through the established communication channel, some of the examination steps of which may be applicable in the case of vehicle examination. This study aims to examine one of the areas of digital forensics, Drone forensics, to determine which of its steps or procedures can be applied in the expert examination of highly automated and increasingly autonomous vehicles (e.g. military vehicles).
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