Analysis of the Material Characteristics of Firefighter Personal Protective Clothing
Copyright (c) 2023 Pántya Péter, Horváth Lilla
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The firefighter’s personal protective apparel is the most significant aspect of the firefighter’s profession since it protects practically the entire body of the firefighter. Protective clothing must not only provide protection during firefighting, but also against other environmental effects. The purpose of the article is for the authors to propose possible directions for development along with a description of the material and ergonomic characteristics of the personal protective clothing worn by firefighters. After processing the related Hungarian and international literature, the authors present all the material properties that serve as the basis for the protective ability of protective clothing. Based on these, the reader can deepen their knowledge within this topic. At the end of the article,
the authors offer solutions and suggestions, in order to increase the resistance of the firefighting protective clothing and, in addition, to improve the ergonomic characteristics.
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