Mental Load Caused Mental and Behavioral Changes
People are far different personalities, have different characteristics, so of course they have different ways to handle a stressful situation or an emergency. By calling experience in terms of my study I classified three groups of people. The first group is the set of persons who do not have experience in the armed forces, in other words, it is the range of ordinary occupations, civil persons. The second group represents those individuals who have experience in the armed forces, with training, but they were not in real danger or in battle conditions. The third group includes those who served in a special forces, with experience gained from the deployment in combat conditions.
physiological effects
mental load
behavioral changes
emergency situation
Hogyan kell idézni
Zólyomi, Z. (2018). Mental Load Caused Mental and Behavioral Changes. Hadmérnök, 13(3), 495–500. Elérés forrás