Electronic Warfare in NAVWAR: Impact of Electronic Attacks on GNSS / GBAS Approach Service Types C and D Landing systems and their proposed Electronic Protection Measures (EPM)

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.2.20


Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS) applications -using different satellite signals in space- are currently and hugely subjected to Electronic Attacks (EAs) such as Jamming, Spoofing, and/or Meaconing. Many accidents were observed in the past decade, while huge dependency on GNSS applications in governmental and private critical infrastructure, in both civil and military aspects. The EAs could be expensive and high-power such as the military-grade jammers, which are an integral pillar of navigation warfare (NAVWAR) strategies. On the other hand, EAs could be cheap and low-power such as the so-called Personal Protection Devices (PPD), which they are widely available. Electronic Attacks, most critically observed by ICAO and FAA, are in Ground Based Augmentation System -(GNSS/GBAS) Landing systems, in which is riskier and more critical than other applications due to the sensitivity of the final landing phase of all flights. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the three different types of EA on the performance GNSS/GBAS landing system. On the other hand, to address and examine their latest proposed Electronic Protection Measures (EPM).


Global Navigation Satellite Sytem Ground Based Augmentation System NAVWAR Electronic Warfare Electronic Attacks Electronic Protection Measures

Hogyan kell idézni

Alhosban, A. (2019). Electronic Warfare in NAVWAR: Impact of Electronic Attacks on GNSS / GBAS Approach Service Types C and D Landing systems and their proposed Electronic Protection Measures (EPM). Hadmérnök, 14(2), 238–255. https://doi.org/10.32567/hm.2019.2.20