Is the Purpose of Cohesion Policy Changing?

The Goals of Cohesion Policy in the Reports of the European Parliament

doi: 10.32559/et.2023.4.7


An effective cohesion policy is the backbone of the common market and European economy in general. It mitigates the negative effects of economic integration by strengthening the weakest links in the chain of European economic cooperation. The significance of cohesion policy is evident, however, there are worrying tendencies weakening its effectiveness. Not only does the Multiannual Financial Framework have less nominal resources allocated for cohesion in general, but the focus, objectives, and recipients seem to be shifting as well. By introducing the objectives of other policy fields into cohesion policy and deviating its resources for short-term crisis management, the development of regions and their cohesion seems to become a secondary, subsidiary objective. Without cohesion policy, the costs of accelerated economic integration can become unbearable for certain parts of the EU. Even though the European Parliament does recognise this tendency, it sends mixed signals during legislative and non-legislative procedures. There is only one solution for the change in the nature of cohesion policy and thus its hollowing-out – a strict separation of cohesion and non-cohesion goals and their allocation in the EU budget.


European Union Law cohesion policy European Parliament European legislation ERDF MFF Reform


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