The Effects of the Actively Used Reactive and Passive Fire Protection Systems Established by Innovative Fire Protection Methods for Whole Life-Cycle of Buildings


The complex needs of the buildings in the XXI century, the constantly renewed technical solutions, and the dynamic variable use of the buildings lay the fire safety of the buildings on new foundations. The size (height, floor area, quantity of people, etc.), the design, the use of the buildings determines the entire life cycle of the building the risks involved in the building – human – fire interactions. The innovative fire protection solutions based on evaluative, analytical methods of exact theories, which based on technical approaches distinguish two great defensive characters: active and passive fire protection systems. We can identify equilibrium situations in the life cycle of a building, in the ever-changing fire situations depend on the risks and fire protection solutions, which ensure long-term sustainable security. In the article the authors describe the protection features of the actively used passive fire protection, which functions on the principle of the perception, processing and broadcast of information, which ensure the most effective solutions to protect our contemporary buildings and our modern life.


complex fire protection innovative engineering methods actively used reactive passive fire protection fire safety