The Impact of Detaching Concrete Surface on Construction Sustainability and Saving Works

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2020.1.8


Layered release of concrete surfaces is a complex phenomenon. Prefabricated structural pieces made of high-strength concrete with smaller cross sections are sensitive to temperature rise. High-strenth structures are increasingly being used in the design of leaner structures. The high strength makes it possible to design a leaner structure, the leaner structure heats up faster due to its smaller cross-section and, at the same time, increases the likelihood of layering of the concrete surface due to its high concrete strength. The problem is already covered in MSZ EN 1992-1-2, as it has a special regulation for high-strength concrete structures, which requires the use of plastic fibers to avoid explosive separation of the concrete surface. Firefighters must perform their duties indoors. Detaching of the concrete surface may impede rescue tasks and endanger the physical integrity of these interveners.


concrete surface separation concrete composition structural stability temperature dependence of concrete strength firefighter