The Possibilities and Limitations of Additive Manufacturing Technology in the Production of Non-Sparking Hand Tools

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2024.2.4


The aim of the research presented in the article is to explore the application possibilities of additive manufacturing technology in the design, production, and development of non-sparking safety hand tools. We examine the usability, application suitability, and safety compliance of 3D-printed hand tools, as well as the causes of various problems that arise during their use and their solutions. In this paper, we introduce, analyse, and evaluate 3D printing technologies and printing materials. We seek to answer, which printing technology and material best meet the requirements set for these tools.


additive manufacturing 3D printing non-sparking safety tools


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Jogi források

- 35/2016. (IX. 27.) NGM rendelet a potenciálisan robbanásveszélyes környezetben történő alkalmazásra szánt berendezések és védelmi rendszerek vizsgálatáról és tanúsításáról

- 54/2014. (XII. 5.) BM rendelet az Országos Tűzvédelmi Szabályzatról

- 142/1999. (IX. 8.) Korm. rendelet a tűzszerészeti mentesítési feladatok ellátásáról

Directive 1999/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1999 on Minimum Requirements for Improving the Safety and Health Protection of Workers Potentially at Risk From Explosive Atmospheres