Summary of the Potential Risks of Hazardous Chemicals Used in Agriculture in Our Country

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2024.2.12


International cooperation and international law pay particular attention to safety, especially with regard to hazardous substances. In the last century, cooperation agreements and, later on, actual cooperation between different organisations and countries to prevent major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances have been established. Several international and regional legal
regimes have been accepted. One of the most important of these is the EU Seveso Directives on the prevention, investigation and control of major accidents involving dangerous substances. We have to make our safety and the protection of our physical and mental health an important
consideration. We must conclude that, unfortunately, the number of accidents cannot be reduced to zero. These are also the reasons why great emphasis must be placed on regulating and making safer the use of chemicals in agriculture, since they affect everyone indirectly if they are used inappropriately and damage our crops and livestock, and through them, ourselves.


agricultural chemicals pesticides fertilisers


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Jogi forrás

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