Examination of a Firefighting System Operated from a Small Pump with Modeling and Computer Simulation

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2024.ksz.13


For the safe and efficient operation of firefighting systems using water, it is essential to examine their operating conditions, especially in the case of portable fire pumps, which are sometimes used under extreme conditions. Changes in operating parameters can have a serious impact on the amount of water that can be extracted from the system, and thus on the firefighting process itself, so the examined topic is an important, current issue. In this paper, the model created for the firefighting system is presented first, and then the results of the computer simulation using the model is described. Our goal is to contribute the optimal operation of firefighting systems operated from mobile pumps. With the presented results, we want to ease the work of firefighters and increase the efficiency of firefighting.


firefighting pump firefighting system model simulation fire extinguishing efficiency


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