Development Directions of Fire-Fighting Equipment Using Aircraft Engines Abroad
Copyright (c) 2024 Kuti Rajmund, Zólyomi Géza, Papp Csenge
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In the last century, outstanding fire-fighting technology developments have occurred in Hungary. Mobile, quickly deployable, efficient, environmentally friendly tools and technologies with optimal fire extinguishing material use have come to the fore. This included equipment using exhaust gas from internal combustion engines and combustion products from aircraft engines for fire-fighting. The developers’ goal is to reduce environmental and secondary damage during fire-fighting, and at the same time, they sought to increase the efficiency of fire-fighting processes by using measurably less fire-fighting material. In our article, we present the foreign developments of fire-extinguishing equipment that uses aircraft engines with a unique operating principle and is suitable for applying multiple types of fire-extinguishing materials, thus also for implementing complex fire-fighting. We review the design and construction of the equipment, their operating principle, examine their practical application possibilities, and present directions for future development.
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