The Possibilities and Requirements of Teaching 3D Printing Technology in Engineer Officer Training

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2024.1.1


The purpose of the research presented in the article is to investigate the integration of additive manufacturing technology, specifically 3D printing, into engineer officer training. In the first part of the paper, we introduce the additive manufacturing process, highlighting its advantages and limitations, to justify its relevance in military tasks. We outline the set of conditions required for the successful application of 3D printing procedures within military organizations. The main part of the article discusses the personal competencies necessary for the execution of 3D printing in military conditions. Finally, we delve into detailed discussions of educational opportunities,
personnel and material requirements, as well as educational organizational tasks that align with the objectives of the Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training. These efforts ensure the education, training, and practical preparation of technical students for the successful and efficient implementation of 3D printing.


additive manufacturing 3D printing 3D printing education engineer officer training


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