Three Point Resection Analouge Solution for Artillery Survey Units

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2024.1.6


In addition to the ongoing procurement of armament equipment, the Hungarian Defence Forces has also acquired new survey and reconnaissance equipment to support field artillery and to perform artillery reconnaissance tasks in an up-to-date manner. These devices are equipped with GPS and/or gyroscopic direction finding equipment capable of autonomously determining the grid direction. However, an analogue knowledge of the methods and calculations of positioning and coordinate determination is still essential. The knowledge of how to solve these calculations not only helps to detect and solve possible errors in a given situation, but also ensures the timely and accurate execution of tasks in the event of the absence or failure of electronic and digital systems. The three-point resection is one of the most complex computational tasks, but when successfully performed, it provides an accurate grid direction and coordinate. To help and standardise the task, starting in 2019, the calculation tasks have been carried out with a solver by the artillery officer cadets. Over the years, the solution sheet has been further refined and simplified to the extent that it can now be used by field artillery survey sub-units.


survey field artillery calculation


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