Construction Risks and Management in Case of Nuclear Facilities

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2023.4.8


Everything in the world is about risk, from individual decisions to global manipulations, which is of fundamental importance in a nuclear power plant environment. The question is whether, in a given situation, this risk is acceptable or no longer acceptable. In some respects, the risk analysis applied to construction projects differs from the risk analysis applied to nuclear installations. For nuclear installations, the risk as such is primarily nuclear risk. In view of this, for investments involving a nuclear installation, the risk analysis to be carried out must be carried out at two separate levels. The first level is the traditional construction risk analysis, and then as a second level, each risk item should be classified from a nuclear risk point of view. In this paper, we present the nuclear exposure of construction risks and the possibility of mitigating these risks through a real-time monitoring system.


risk analysis construction risk nuclear power plant safety geotechnical monitoring acceptable risk probability geotechnical monitoring system real-time monitoring


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