Hydrological Aspects of the Low-water Period of 2022 on the Lowland Section of the Tisza River
Copyright (c) 2023 Vizi Dávid Béla
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Climate change poses more and more challenges to the water management. Future predictions show that the possibility of extreme drought events are increasing, especially the rolling drought phenomena have become critical when consecutive years of drought multiply the adverse effects of previous years. These new extreme hydrological situations need to be properly handled in water management, thus an additional task of the water management can be the fulfilment of the increasing water demands. The article provides a comprehensive picture of factors influencing the formation of water scarcity period. The water supply of the Hungarian Great Plain is ensured by the water supply systems established in the last century. Coordinated water management is important in similar situations. The author describes the hydrological characteristics of last year’s water shortage period and how its harmful effects could be reduced.
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