Storage of Dangerous Substances in Logistics Warehouses

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2023.3.6


For the safety of logistics facilities for the storage of dangerous substances, the operator of the site must take into account a number of disaster prevention, environmental protection and chemical safety rules. Serious accidents or events related to hazardous substances that may occur in the facilities can seriously endanger the environment and the people living in the environment after the release of the hazardous substances stored there. In the present study, the authors examine the environmental effects of hazardous substances released in the event of a serious accident, following a conceptual interpretation of the hazardous substances stored in logistics warehouses, with particular regard to toxic combustion products that are dangerous to the environment, and the extinguishing foams used in the prevention of accidents. In the second part of the study, the authors review the internationally accepted procedures used to calculate the amount of contaminated extinguishing water produced in the event of a serious accident.


industrial accidents environmental impact dangerous establishment firewater pollution Hungary


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