Serious Accident Management Following the Fukushima Disaster

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2023.3.10


After the extremely serious and complex disaster (nuclear accident) in Fukushima, the International Atomic Energy Agency focused on the possibilities of preventing and eliminating serious accidents in the nuclear field. A review of existing security procedures was carried out and the development of additional measures and intervention methods was promoted. In our country, the Facility Fire Department of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant was given the task of handling serious accidents. The fire departments personal practises this procedures on an annual basis in order to quickly and professionally deal with potential emergency situations. We apply the experience gained from the completed exercises in an innovative way during task execution. The innovations of fire-fighting tools and methods in the last decade and the examination of damage prevention in the nuclear field have projected such development opportunities, which we must consider the apply–use–integrate in the process of serious accident management.


Fukushima nuclear accident radioactive contamination severe accident management facility fire department


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