The Actualization of the Mils System Corrections Constant for Field Artillery Fire Direction Calculations
Copyright (c) 2023 Andóczi-Balogh András Ádám
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The artillery of the Hungarian Defence Forces is acquiring new artillery equipment within the program of the Defence and Military Development Programme, which uses the 6400 mils system. For the artillery, the accuracy of the mils systems during fire control is not sufficient, so correction constants are used to increase the accuracy of the calculation of the measured angle or metre values (distance, height, width). These are mainly used in fire direction control, especially to correct for differences in target dimensions and elevation, and for fire missions where the accuracy of the data used will affect the accuracy of subsequent fire missions. All new artillery equipment, both purchased and to be purchased in the future, uses the 6400 mils system. Therefore, artillery fire direction control procedures and formulas used must be updated to the 6400 system. One of the first steps is to present new correction constants calculated for the 6400 line system with sufficient accuracy, which do not require the introduction of new calculations and procedures, but only the updating of the existing ones. This will simplify the transition to the 6400 mils system in fire direction calculations.
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