Autonomous Ground Vehicles

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2022.2.8


In today’s modern and professional military organisations, it is a common trend to interchange human resources in order to conserve their abilities and wellbeing. This trend aims to protect the life and health of service members, when the mission is relatively easy, but there is a high chance of an attack on human life. The ever-growing usage of autonomous ground vehicles are one solution, parallel to the before mentioned trend. The autonomous ground vehicle term is supposed to cover every vehicle, regardless of its level of autonomy. The term covers the unmanned, guided and fully autonomous vehicles. In the past, the number of articles covering the autonomous vehicles has drastically risen, because that is what makes the reader concerned. Although the number of articles is high, the autonomy itself displays a mixed picture, which is why it is important to sum up autonomy, and its theoretical aspects.


autonomy automatics all-terrain vehicle automated


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