The Importance of Basic Life Support Training for Laboratory Safety

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2022.2.6


The laboratory work environment is not an ideal location for BLS intervention; however, given the time factor of arrival of health care professionals on site, it is important and important to begin resuscitation as soon as possible. Adverse conditions can make it more difficult for health care professionals to work, and even more so for lay people, so regular and site-specific effective BLS preparation in these, and similar areas is paramount. In addition, in accordance with the specialties of the laboratories dealing with hazardous substances, it is necessary to develop an educational programme and an accountability system for their staff, which includes the elements recommended by national and international standards in order to increase the efficiency of resuscitation. In this article, the authors focus on one of the areas of health insurance in special work areas, examining the conditions for resuscitation training.


laboratory safety basic life support cardiac arrest BLS training


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