Study and Classification of the Causes of Wildfires in Hungary

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2021.4.8


Understanding the causes of wildfires is of paramount importance in the planning of forest fire prevention activities, environmental and civil protection measures. The probability of wildfires occurring naturally is very low due to the climate and vegetation conditions in Hungary. Most wildfires are caused by human negligence. The effectiveness of a wildfire risk assessment can be increased if we understand the causes of wildfires and the motivations of those who set fires. By analysing the fires identified during the data collection of the forest fire prevention authorities in the period of 2011–2020, it is possible to examine the anthropogenic origin of wildfires in Hungary and define social economic factors, which may later be the basis for defining the target groups of relevant targeted communication. Based on the comparison with the fire generation scheme of the European Forest Fire Information System proposals can be made for the harmonisation of the Hungarian system.


wildfire cause of fire Data Gathering System of Disaster Recovery Service Forest Fire Database of Hungary European Forest Fire Information System