The Range of Phenomena of Mental Health, the Importance and Opportunities of Its Protection in the Defense Sphere

  • Schild Marianna


An essential condition for health is a balanced physical and psychological state, therefore mental health protection has become one of the key requirements in our accelerated world. There are more and more confusions, conflicts and alienation in human relationships requiring assistance, but not selfdestructive „quick fixes”, but stable, well-thought-out, final solutions. This is especially true in areas such as defence sector.
The following questions arise: What does mental health mean? What is it threatened by? What are the signs of loss of balance? What kind of means, opportunities, techniques are available to protect against or prevent them?The author attempts to answer these questions by analysing mental health protection. Points out the correlation between childhood life story, socialization and adult behaviour; the development and adaptation of ways of coping, as well as the importance of health education and adult psychological education among defence professionals.


normality abnormality emotional well-being psychological culture coping conflict stress defence mechanisms traumatisation prevention psychological education