The Current Status of Flood Protection

  • Petró Tibor


Analysing of hungarian disaster events it could be established that the flood causes the most significant natual destruction. Water is the most important element of life, but we also havee to be prepared against its devastating effects. In Hungary the revision of water strategy and action plans is necessary. The available water resources could not be wasted. While in one year drought causes problem in our country, in next year resistance have to be implemented in the defence against the flood. The appropriate design of management of water resources could be able to reconstruct the current status. Due to the effect of climat change more often appear extrem weather cicumstances, which often cause local or social problem in flood defence. For instance there are sudden, high rainfalls which cause quick fulling of streambeds; destruction of the environment and inland water. And the flood of our big rivers could destroy in large areas. Communities have to be ready for protection against the devastating effects of flood, and governments need to be supported in flood defence by the state.


flood control water damage relief tasks flood protection assets