Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Scientific Research 2 – The Process of Scientific Research

  • Hornyacsek Júlia


The basic condition of finding our way in the world is getting to know facts, happenings and events, one of the possible methods of which is scientific research. Professional processes and methods, also applied in everyday life, can be very effective if they are built on principles scientifically grounded. Generally, the need arises more and more frequently in different professions that a targeted methodological process should be preceded by a topic-specific scientific research and the methods used should be scientifically justified. An important criterion also in many areas is that practical and professional work should be followed by a suitability verification procedure performed with scientific methods. The basic condition of effective research is that the stages that are necessary to achieve new results be well defined, that is research process. In the article, the author seeks the answer to the question what scientific research is, what can prove its process nature, and what elements this process has, furthermore, what the characteristics of these basic elements are.


science scientific research researcher hypothesis scientific problem research method scientific publication