The Sexual Abuse Human Trafficking and the Prostitution Crime Victim’s Rights Justice and Their Failure, Erosion of our Country

  • Kovács István


Each year millions of women and children around the world between or outside the borders of their home nation, fall victim to sexual abuse - forced prostitution - or as victim of human trafficking. The human trafficking and the prostitution crime related to it give the main income of crime organizations. The sexual abuse human trafficking and the prostitution act are strongly connected. The victims are treated as property, commodity, limiting or depriving their basic rights. Hungarian women, children regularly become victims of sexual abuse and human trafficking, asswell as within and outside the country. If we want to fight against human trafficking, we need to uncover it’s main reasons. But we can only stop thisnationwide or locally - if coordinated, comprehensive strategy is used. In my research, I prove, that giving information or its absence, how affects the victims opportunity to return to society, ressocialization. Could giving information or its abscence be a reason for human trafficking and the prostitution crime related to it?!


human trafficking sexual abuse-forced prostitution victim defense police