The Applied Methods for Search and Rescue Tasks Related to Structural Building Collisions Caused by Earthquakes

  • Örs Antal
  • Muhoray Árpád


In spite of the advanced level of nowadays’ modern technology, efficient way for the forecast of earthquakes does not exist. Regarding the most important task of protection, the primary way for fast and productive life saving actions is the deployment of highly qualified search and rescue teams based on international cooperations. These corps can be applied in territories, where heavy mechanical power cannot be used due to external circumstances. Therefore their abilities are not fungible, rather developable with modern technical instruments. The localization and rescue of trapped people from the ruins and debris are special vocational task based on specific abilities and capacities. This study reveals the applied techniques and international methodologies for rescue operations of trapped people particularly regarding the Hungarian volunteer and regular urban search and rescue corps, and the importance of modern technical instruments and equipment which can be used in searching operations.


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