Refugee Camps in the Development of Relevant few Examples of Questions on the Basis of the Middle East

  • Dudás Zoltán


Many Christian, Yazidis and Shiite families were forced to flee to save their lives from Iraqi and Syrian territories controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. In view of the fact that during the current civil war in Syria since 2012 in the neighboring countries – Jordan, Kurdistan of Iraq, Turkey – host sites for refugees housing have become completely full, it is necessary to establish suitable long-term refugee camps in the area not controlled by the ISIL.

Since the refugee camps are located close to the operational areas, before their siting it is fruitful to study and apply the experiences that have accumulated during the development of military camps.

The civilian utilization assumes a series of special conditions of a camp, which must be taken into consideration during the planning stage.

Before an installation of a camp the geographical and climatic conditions should be analyzed carefully, so that they become supporting and not cost increasing factors. In this paper I would like to represent theoretically, on the basis of the given information at the time of writing, a possible development and location of a refugee camp.


refugee camp security cost-effectiveness maintenance ISIL