Protection of Large Capacity Civil Camps


Since the failure of the Arab Spring the number of migrants has dramatically increased both in the neighbouring countries of the countries involved (Turkey, Lebanon) both in European Countries (Greece, Italy, Germany). At the time of writing this article more than 60 million people live far from their homes as refugees, third of them also leaving their country behind according to the estimations of UNHCR. The migration processes were further intensified by the masses of people starting to migrate towards Europe form inner Africa, following the Libyan incidences. Hundreds of rescues from the sea, and hundreds of deaths are reported daily. Until legal, economical and humanitarian settlement of this situation the countries of Europe have to prepare for accommodating significant migrating masses. Considering that amongst the migrants there are not only civilians in many cases, but possibly members of military forces of earlier governments, or even members of semi-military organisations acting against present governments, it is vital to prepare the protection of the accommodating institutions in the receiving countries for the security of both their own citizens, and civilian migrants. The protection of large capacity civil camps has to be secured firstly inside, but also against outside attacks. Humanitarian institutions and police arms of the receiving countries have to endure in this dual task and develop such systems that besides security, takes everyday life of migrants also into consideration. This article is going to present some aspects and good practices for the protection of civil camps.


camp protection capacity refugee