Possibilities of Economical and Environmentally Friendly Operation in Aviation


The economic and environmental considerations have a continuously increasing role in air traffic and transport either in civil or military aviation. The aviation can be made more cost effective using alternative propulsion systems and fuels instead of the traditional fossil fuels. In this days there are numerous available developments in this field, however not all of them have reached the mature status. The first step of developments aimed to use less traditional fuel by the aerial vehicles (Delilah Project or Airbus Bluecopter technology). Other researchers rather have tried to produce new kind of fuels (bio or synthetic) from communal garbage or from the extracted atmosphere carbon dioxide. After the ground vehicles some of the aerial vehicles are also driven by electric power using solar cells (Solar Impulse), fuel cells (Antares), or hybrid systems (HY4). But the atmosphere is not the only place we have to think about the economical energy consumption. The ground motion (taxiing) of aircraft can also consume even 4% of the total fuel consumption. The solution can be the electric driven surface motion of helicopters and airplanes in airports.


aircraft fuel alternative fuel electric driving waste cost effectiveness