Communal, Industrial Water Utilization and Damaging Events Endangering Water Utilization, With Special Regard to Water Contaminations of Industrial Origin


The maintenance of the constant appropriate quality of the drinking-waters of our country means serious challenges due to negative effects resulting from industry, agriculture and even from nature. Our waters are exposed to an increasing stress and load. On the one hand communal water demand is significant, on the other hand owing to the development and continuous change of industry the usage of industrial waters is more and more required in order to ensure production. For communal and industrial use and water supply purposes water comes from subsurface or surface water resources, then in bigger or smaller quantity difference it comes back close to these resources in form of waste water. For this reason it is very important to preserve the quality of our waters. Water contaminations of different origin endanger the quality of our waters and thus the communal water supply and industrial water usage respectively.


water consumption water quality industrial water pollution