The Chemical Pollutions and the Water Safety


In order to protect the waterbases and the water resources of our country several new legislation already came into force since joining the European Union. Most of them are brought into force within the framework of EU legal harmonization. The author of this present study analyzes the legal provisions of the protection of surface and subsurface water resources. Laws or government regulations about nitrate sensitive areas, protection zones of watercourses, involving dangerous substances, and on Chemical Safety or on vital establishments, all had been created to the protect those certain areas. In case of their complience and enforcement Hungary not only meets the expectations of the European Union, but follows a long-term sustainable environmental strategy as well. The study sums up impurities from those agricultural, industrial and residential sectors, that might threaten the adequate status of waters the most. The author summarizes the sectors emitting pollution, the types of pollutions, as well asexamines the potential preventive steps against contamination together with decontamination and water treatment procedures.


chemical safety chemical pollution protection zones water resources production of hazardous substances