The Intraduction of the HSL Flash Composition Test and it's Usage in Practice

  • Kugyela Lóránd


While the testing of explosies is well elaboratedsince decades, the testing of pyrotechnic compositions is still under development. The main reasons of this is the large variety of the compositions, even the well-known black powder has more than 300 hundred types. This partial knowledge still carries hazards, because of the lack of information regarding to the fireworks performance and their burning characteristic. This performance data could be usefull for planning of magazines, and storage facilities.The classical testing methods usedfor explosives (detonation velocity; friction- shock sensitivity) alone, do not represent the real life scenario for their performance and the way of burning. This article introduces a testing method which devides the articles based on their time-pressure test results. This test is implemented in the “UN Manual of Tests and Criteria”, but it can be used for other compositions not just for flash compositions.


flash compositions time-pressure test DSO ADR performance mesuring