Technical Backgrund and of Tought-Based Password Entry


One of the most extensive pillars of the human existence, the most important building block of our history, culture, art and communication is the knowledge and use of the letters, the knowledge of writing. However, according to UNESCO (UNESCO) surveys, only the 83% of the adult population is literate today. With the spread of the info-communication tools in everyday life and the emergence of the information society, there is a new concept appearing: digital illiteracy. In an advanced environment where 80% of the households have a working computer and only 13% of people do not use the Internet (america), it is a significant technological chasm, and leads to social inequalities. So, the social convergence today requests more than reading and writing. We also need access to digital contents and have to handle them properly. However, the access to these contents is usually not enough. Depending on their content and origin, handling, reproduction and sharing of the digital documents needs at least the basic safety knowledge and security awareness. The most obvious way to protect digital contents is to control their use by identification and user-based rights. Despite the state of the art technology, the most widely used identification technique is still the password authentication. This presentation is an overview of the BCI text input devices, and tries to create a picture about the currently available EEG text input devices, the BCI spellers, their disadvantages and their potential security applications.


password entry brain-computer interface p300 VEP speller information security