On the Robustness of Freeform Triangulated Steel Domes With Options Analysis


The article focuses on the robustness analysis of freeform steel gridshell domes. This type of study does not have a widespread application. Although the principles of the analysis are well established, the practical application to a specific structural design project needs to rely on the risk assessment carried out for the project. In the article a possible method of analysis is presented that gives an insight into the behaviour of the damaged structure. The methods adopted for the study were beam, shell and solid-element finite element analysis. The results of the above investigations determine the need and method of the robustness analysis. The objective of the analysis is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the expected behaviour of the structure in terms of effects such as vandalism, accidental effects and maintenance. The options matrix, resulted by the risk assessment, is an adaptable and fundamental tool used in the decision making process. The article presents the practical application of such a matrix.


freeform steel roof progressive collapse robustness decision making support