Safety and Accident Prevention Issues of E-Mobility


The propagation of electric vehicles is hampered by the batteries. Nowadays, battery manufacturing technologies can not approach the energy density of gasoline or gas oil because of their large space requirements and mass. Another disadvantage is high commodity and slow filling time. Electric car chargers are not the charging points that are fixed to walls or concrete, the charging device is in the electric car, called an on-board charger or charging controller. The on-board charger is a rather sophisticated and expensive electronic system that accepts and converts the electrical current that the charging points provide for charging the battery. Neither in the European Union nor in Hungary there is a uniform central regulation regarding the installation of electric vehicles. Because these vehicles contain a high voltage electrical system or a battery, it is important to understand the features and technical details of these components and their understanding of their operating principles. At the scene of an accident, the first and most important thing is to recognize the electric vehicle according to its characteristics, as this may not be the case for the passengers of the accident vehicle.


e-mobility electromotor development innovation infrastructure industrial accident havaria electric charge fire high voltage risk analysis touch protection