Examinations in Order to Increasing the Safety Interventions During the Forest Fires


Hungary's firefighting and protection tasks are carried out by the fire departments on a permanent stand-by basis. During the standby service, thousands of firefighters are waiting for the alarm for an intervention, because they are the primary interveners of the disaster management. However, what circumstances and what tasks are expected at the location of the intervening zones cannot be predicted. Due to the weather, most disasters may spread, even as, creating extreme conditions. In some cases, it can endanger the human life and the material goods. With regard to the threat of the human life, not only the civilian population, but also the safety of the interveners must be taken into account. The safety of the intervention can be increased by using personal protective equipment, which is very important to use during a forest fire. Results: As a result of the paper, it is possible to study the extreme circumstances of the fighting against forest fires and the tools and methods for increasing the safety intervention.


forest fires extreme conditions safety intervention personal protective equipment