Investigation of the Spatial Changes in Overbank Floodplains and Sedimentations on the Study Site of the Middle Tisza
Copyright (c) 2023 Tóth Péter

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River systems and their floodplains can be studied and evaluated according to different aspects. The natural processes of the Tisza were mostly influenced by the river training and levee construction works named after Vásárhelyi, as well as the main channel regulation works. After the construction of the embankments, the fluvial formation of the natural floodplains ceased, as these processes limited it to areas of the floodplain along the main channel. Another consequence of the river regulations is that the river is forced to deposit the sediment transported during the floods in this narrow floodplain causing increased filling up, so the role of floodplains in flood conveyance has increasingly been reduced. In this study, the author aimed to investigate the bed changes that occurred as a result of the river regulation works, as well as the sediment accumulation in the flood plain, focusing on a typical section of the Middle Tisza.
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