Presentation of the Hazardous Environment in the Light of Firefighting Activity

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2023.1.6


The purpose of this article is to present the dangers facing firefighters during various interventions. It is a challenge for firefighters to deal with various hazards every day, be it firefighting, technical rescue, or even fire investigation. Intellectual readiness, professional knowledge, and a state of work are necessary to be able to handle a given situation effectively and professionally. In this article, the authors present both the hazards of firefighting work, with a brief overview of the consequences of climate change and technological development. To prepare the article, the authors processed several international and domestic literature and case studies, based on which the topic was presented extensively. At the end of the article, several accident prevention proposals and solutions related to the topic are mentioned. Based on these, the authors propose some development directions in the field of safety that may be suitable for more extensive protection against various threats.


danger climate change fire-fighting technical rescue accident


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