The Presence of Marketing in Defence Administration, with Particular Regard to the Hungarian Defence Forces within it


My study describes the connection between defence administration, particularly the Hungarian Defence Forces within it, and marketing. I will present the tasks and structure of defence administration and the definitions of the fundamental conceptions used by me. I will present and express my opinion on the means of marketing communication applied by the Hungarian Defence Force in details and I will suggest some proposals on the further improvements. I will examine which of those parts in the means of communication and marketing that can be still applied for acquainting the work of the Hungarian Defence Force and for increasing its acknowledgement. During this, I will mention the application possibilities of the new means of marketing communication provided by the rapid IT developments experienced nowadays. I will present those possibilities that are applied in the international practices, but cannot be found in the communication of the Hungarian Army yet but could be applied to some extent and way.


Hungarian Defence Forces marketing communications defence administration