The Formation and Development of Space Research in Light of the Military Science


This article intends to give an insight into one of the most exciting and also the most daring undertaking of the 20th century, the space's development, which changed the society in many ways. The space for the same number of new features and technology, both in biological research and drug discovery in the field, but we are able to forget about that the fulfilment of all these results are not only scientists merit, but the Second World War, the Cold War and the military expenses can be concluded from this. The heroic age of space exploration can be included mostly to the 1960s, when the Moon was in the race to achieve. The military race was also active at the same time, and later on so, where certain sectors of it also participated in the aerospace industry. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union's space development rate has slowed somewhat due to a lack of competitive spirit, but nevertheless a number of scientific results have been achieved since then to the present.


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