What is the Public Service of the Future? Development Directions, Vision

  • Kamrás István
doi: 10.59648/filologia.2024.1-4.4


The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming public administrations significantly, improving efficiency and the quality of public services, but also posing serious privacy and ethical challenges for the civil service. The introduction of the Hungarian National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2020 aims to modernise public administration, emphasising the importance of data-driven decision-making and AI-based systems. However, the integration of AI requires adequate preparation and awareness of civil servants. What the public service of the future will look like? Artificial or more human?


AI public service strategy awareness development

How to Cite

Kamrás, I. (2024). What is the Public Service of the Future? Development Directions, Vision. Filológia.Hu, 15(1–4), 52–63. https://doi.org/10.59648/filologia.2024.1-4.4


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